Friends of El Sauzal
El Sauzal Foundation is a nonprofit formed in the United States to support our home. The foundation’s goals are to aid us financially and help maintain our facilities while planning for the future. Our home’s primary supporters are from the U.S. The foundation communicates on our behalf with our donors and friends throughout the world.
Our home, El Sauzal Home for Children, is a Mexican corporation that cannot provide U.S. tax-deductions. El Sauzal Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, and donations given to the foundation are tax deductible for U.S. citizens.
US Tax ID# 201522752
Frugal with finances
The foundation’s job is to get your money to El Sauzal Home for Children. They work hard to minimize their overhead. All the foundation’s work is done by volunteers. In 2023, 96.6% of donations went directly to support for the home, while 3.4% was used for overhead and fundraising costs.
Important: financial accountability
Being good stewards with your gifts is so important to us that it is part of the foundation’s bylaws. We follow the guidelines of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, the ECFA. We are currently too small to be a member of the ECFA, but we plan to apply when we qualify. Fiscal transparency is very important to the foundation and the Home for Children.
See recent financial reports:
2020 Annual Report
See recent 990 tax forms:
2021 Form 990
2019 Form 990
2018 Form 990
1. Jesus is our Savior
We believe the Bible is the inspired and only infallible authoritative Word of God, and are dedicated to fulfilling God’s will in all we do.
2. Spiritual growth
We are dedicated to the glorification of God and the spiritual growth of those at the home for children.
3. Assisting El Sauzal Home for Children
We value the work, past and present, of the home’s administrators. Our first priority is to assist the home to become financially secure.
4. Helping wounded children
We value orphaned, abandoned and abused children, and strive to find ways to aid them with their spiritual, physical, emotional and educational needs.
5. Cultural sensitivity and respect
We respect that the methods and style of leadership and decision making of other cultures may be different from our own.
6. Financial accountability
We maintain financial controls to assure donors that the highest percentage of contributions goes in direct support of El Sauzal Home’s operations, maintenance and improvements.
7. Relationally centered
We strive to connect supporters with the home’s children and staff by providing information. We seek to develop a community of those who live at the home, work there, and support it from afar.
Who serves on the foundation?
The foundation is made up of a board of directors and an advisory board, who serve at their own expense. The directors include retired educators, a senior pastor, youth leaders, a retired railroad designer, and healthcare professionals. The advisory board includes El Sauzal Home for Children president Josue and director Erika, a contractor, and other long-term supporters. Foundation President Clay Warren has been involved with the home since the early 1990s and has been leading groups to the home since that time.