My decision to increase giving

by Ron Hill

In January, my wife and I made a prayerful and conscious decision to increase our monthly giving to El Sauzal by 20%. Why 20%? Although I didn’t receive a 20% raise, I had observed an increase in inflation and a reduction in the purchasing power of both the dollar and the peso by about that amount over the past two years. Moreover, I had firsthand knowledge that the orphanage was under ever-increasing financial pressures.

“I was called, and I was convicted, and I have been going ever since.”

In addition to our monthly giving, Joan and I also make a substantial contribution near the end of each year. This is because I know that the Home sees a decrease in monthly donations during a season of their greatest need. This gift is sent to the home in preparation for an annual shopping trip that I have been making for more than 15 years along with my brother-in-law.

Our first exposure, years ago, to this annual need was a letter sent to our Board Chairman Emeritus, Roy Ketring, whom Erika also calls Abuelito. Roy shared a letter detailing the dire straits the Home was facing, including the inability to afford necessities like toothpaste and toilet paper. I was called, and I was convicted, and I have been going ever since.

Currently, preparations are under way for this year’s trip in early December. We’ll be chauffeuring Erika all over Ensenada: to La Canasta carneceria (meat store), Dax grandes almacenes (department store), even to Smart & Final as well as several other stores. At the end of the day, we take Erika and her husband out for a nice meal to minister to them directly. While I may not be able to sit down with each child or nanny, I can spend my limited time with Erika, providing her with a knowing and loving ear, listening to her concerns, and discovering how best to pray for the home’s needs.

I am reminded of Acts 20:35:

“In everything I showed you that by working hard in this manner you must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” (NASB)

I encourage you to assess your giving and determine if today is the right day and if El Sauzal is the right place for you to give exceptionally, to give regularly, or to increase your donation.

Ron and Joan attend Grace Church of Flagstaff in Flagstaff, Arizona.