On Monday, April 2nd, DIF, Mexico’s child protective services, removed the children from our home because we have not obtained our license of operations. Our staff called that day “the worst nightmare.” DIF did not close our home; they temporarily relocated the children to licensed orphanages until we obtain our license. It was a heartbreaking day.
Of the 130 orphanages in Baja California, only about 30 are licensed because it is such a complicated, expensive process. DIF is pushing to close orphanages that are not about to qualify or are not making enough progress.
A temporary setback
We have encountered several obstacles that have significantly delayed obtaining our license.
The first is a lawsuit brought against our former contractor by one of his employees. The lawsuit named the orphanage as a co-defendant; by Mexican law we had some responsibility. We have now settled.
The second is that we have had several issues with our former contractor’s work; we are now dealing with a new contractor.
Third, we did not have adequate funding to complete the construction work needed to obtain the license.
Finally, we have been going through a slow legal process to get the orphanage’s land properly registered. We started this tedious five-part legal process back in 2016.
The amazing news: Proof that God has a plan for us
On Thursday, April 5th, three days after the children were removed, a generous family, long-time friends, contacted us. They knew that we were lacking funds to complete our construction updates. They shared that they were giving $50,000. This donation is amazing and means that we may have enough to complete the construction updates. This demonstrates God’s timing and how He is working to bring the children back.
Our home is (and always has been) in God’s hands
Having served God’s beautiful children for over 50 years is testimony that our orphanage is in God’s hands and not ours. God established our home and we strongly believe He is not ready to close it. He has a plan to use this challenging situation to strengthen our orphanage. It will be filled with children again once we meet the numerous governmental requirements and receive our license of operations. We are working aggressively to obtain the license, and we believe that children could start returning later this summer.
How you can get involved
- Pray daily that we will obtain our license of operations as soon as possible. Pray that God will continue to bless us with what we need to get the license – encouragement, wisdom, and funding.
- Share our need—at your church, at work, and with friends. You can find us on Facebook and Instagram and share that way also.
- Give as God leads you.