Well done! You did it! Good race! I think every athlete likes to hear those words. It is a celebration of all their hard work and dedication. The last time I wrote to you, I spoke about the marathon race that our home for children was running to acquire its license of operation. I told you that they were near the finish line and that you should cheer them on to finish the race. When that race was hard to run, the directors and staff of the home never gave up hope. They knew that God was with them.
What we were created to do
Now they have crossed that finish line. They have received their license of operation and, even more exciting, they are now doing the very thing they were created to do, the thing that brings them the greatest joy! They are once again caring for children. We are so grateful to God that He has given us the endurance to run that race. He was faithful all along to pace with us. That is worth celebrating!
Preparing for the next race
As every true athlete knows, the celebration is to be enjoyed but there is always another race to prepare for. The next race is to care for the children. But in this race, you and I are no longer spectators cheering on the runners. We are the runners. During the time we were without children, our financial support dropped significantly. We understand. There were no children. But now there are, and we are asking those of you who may have discontinued or reduced your giving to consider joining the team again. Now more than ever we need your financial support. We want to provide for these children and give them a sense of security and love. Will you be a part of that race? Will you consider what you can do to help us fulfill our mission of offering faith, family, and a future to heartbroken children in Mexico? Let’s run!
Clay Warren, President
El Sauzal Foundation, Inc.